Falcon SGO Inc.


Thank you for supporting our local students!

Falcon SGO Inc. is a certified Ohio Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO).

Falcon SGO is a public charity and tax exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3).  As such, donors can deduct contributions to Falcon SGO under IRC Section 170.

Falcon SGO provides scholarships to Catholic primary schools located in Vandalia, Ohio.  If you wish to support a school other than St. Christopher School in Vandalia Ohio, please visit the Ohio Attorney General's Website for a list of other certified scholarship granting organizations.


Before making a gift, please consult with your tax advisor to determine your eligibility for the Ohio tax credit.

Falcon SGO will send Donor Confirmation Letters in early January.  

Step 1:  Donor Contribution Form

Please complete our Donor Contribution Form  regardless of payment method in Step 2. 

Step 2:  Donate

Option 1:  PayPal

Option 2:  Check

Falcon SGO Inc.
PO Box 30
Vandalia, OH 45377


Ohio taxpayers who donate to SGOs may be able to claim a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on their Ohio state income tax return for up to $750 per donor (up to $1,500, if married and filing jointly).  See section 5747.73 of the Ohio Revised Code.

PLEASE NOTE:  if two people in one household wish to claim the tax credit, each individual should make a separate donation (i.e., two separate PayPal transactions, two checks, or two credit card transactions).  Separate acknowledgement letters can then be provided to document each individual gift.


It is important to understand the difference between a tax credit and a tax deduction, and it is important to determine your eligibility for tax credits and deductions before you file.

OHIO TAX TABLE (Ohio Department of Taxation)

For taxable years beginning in 2022:

Thank you for supporting Falcon SGO and St. Christopher School !
